There are number of Electronic measuring instruments in the market and these are called multimeters. Like current is measured by Ammeter, voltage is measured by Voltmeter, resistance is measured by Ohmmeter.
What is Multimeter? It is an electronic instrument used to measure current, voltage, resistance,capacitence. It can be used as Ammeter, Ohmmeter or voltmeter.
Different Types of Multimeter
Analogue Multimeter: The multipurpose device or equipment used to measure voltage, current and resistance . The display of an analog multimeter is a pointer that gives us the reading over a calibrated scale. A moving pointer indicates the resulting value of a measurement.
Digital Multimeter: A digital multimeters are electronic or electrical instruments which are used to measure electrical parameters. It can measure AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, Resistance, Continuity test, Diode check, It display measured value in numerals on LCD display. They are cheap and easy to use . DMM are more accurate than Analogue multimeter. Because of their small size they are easy to carry. They fit in the pocket also.
They are available at any electrical and electronics product store. If you are in the wholesale trade then you can contact electrical equipment suppliers and get the product at even cheaper price.